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A Beacon of Light:  A Place to Be, to Belong, and to Become.

We are a daytime sanctuary and multi-resource center for homeless and at-risk individuals.  Our core values are healing, spirituality, recovery, peer empowerment, dignity, nonviolence, advocacy, voice, sustainability and mutual transformation.  Our sanctuary is a place to be, belong and become within a transformational solidarity community--interfaith, nonpartisan, intercultural, and noncanonical.  We are a racially and economically diverse family of hope who seek to strengthen Milwaukee's overwhelmed safety net.

In March of 2014, MBHS was launched as a new start-up nonprofit without any money and without any resources.  Founders created MBHS so that MacCanon Brown’s successful 22-year track record of work with Milwaukee’s homeless could continue, seeing her vision as clearly needed in the safety net of Milwaukee.

Founders gave it MacCanon Brown’s name (against her wishes) in 2014, to recognize her legacy of effective leadership in serving Milwaukee’s most vulnerable residents.  

Many people that have met Sister MacCanon have voiced that she is our very own Mother Theresa.  Her kind and thoughtful selfless leadership has brought hundreds of people together in solidarity.  We are grateful to have Sister MacCanon show us the way.

Sister MacCanon Brown


On Sunday, July 18, 2021, the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary was featured in a main front page article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.  It is our honor that MBHS is brought into light to support the excellent journalism of James Causey (teamed up with photographer Angela Peterson).  We hope we have helped Causey shake the ground with his inquiry, "Where's the outcry?"  Causey is a homegrown extraordinary award-winning journalist whose articles consistently engage our City's conscience.  Here is the link to that article.

One of the many important services to our guests is our meal program that not only feeds the poor and the homeless but also creates a community of people in a safe environment.